Here, in the midst of citrus groves, wines are produced with methods and grapes that no one else uses.

  Each bottle contains a wine literally unique in the world b>, a blend of grapes grown only in our lands. There are international vines like Petit Manseng and Alicante, vinified in purity, as in our “Ponte Rosa” and the red and rosé “Alicante”… But also blended with other local wines, such as “Le Uve d’Agosto” white and red which balance Petit Manseng and Grillo. And there are wines from native vines, such as “Frà Anselmo”, which gives grace and power to the Perricone, the “Campanarazzu” who knows how to marry Nero d’Avola and Nerello Mascalese and the “San Nicola”, the maxim local expression of Syrah. We are proud to be able to share this exclusivity with you, the result of years of research and experimentation. Discover our wines now and get ready to live a wine experience that will leave you speechless, just like a true Sicilian who knows that there is no need to pour out rivers of words, wine he must speak. Let’s not live with chatter!
Our wines

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